Saturday, February 23, 2008

Better To Stalk You With, My Dear

Trish helped me make a blog and now I can keep up with you and write fantastic comments on your blogs daily!

Ok, so this first one is actually Patricia- Mom wanted to be able to post comments on everyone's blogs but couldn't since she wasn't a member...

So less phone calls?


Tracy Jabbal said...

hi! so are you going to post about your life on here too? it would be nice for us to be able to keep up with you too!


Bill said...

you're hott.

grk said...

Hello dear Aunt, I hope things are well and warm in TX. They are well and cold up here in MO. I left a wife and a baby goofing around on a blanket to come and goof around here. Actually, I get to talk to some cub scout moms about coffee in a few minutes. Talk about a good use of company resources... What the boss's wife wants, she gets.


Patricia said...

new post! new post!

Deb said...

Spending time with my two favorite guys. Dad and Will. Its hard to believe that I gave birth to such a amazing young man 25 years ago.