Thursday, July 17, 2008

Dealing with toddlers

This week at school has been interesting. A little girl named Jordan jumped off the steps on the playground and chipped a front tooth. In a couple of weeks Jordan will have to have IV sedation to have a root canal done at the young age of two years old.

Today another another little girl named Morgan was standing next to a coworker and the coworker noticed something moving on Morgan's head. Yes it was head lice. The other remaining 26 toddlers and 3 teachers had their heads checked. All bedding and clothing was packed into garbage bags to make it easier for the parents to take home for laundering. Then began the washing of any cloth toys, madly cleaning the room and last but not least bug bombing the room at the end of the day so the rest of us can stay head lice free.

Hopefully the parents have taken care of head lice in Morgan's head before they try to bring her back to school tomorrow.

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